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As you know, I am a massive FPS fan and like most, I have been waiting for any news on the full release of 'XDEFIANT'.


With Call of Duty MW3 being released on the 10th of November 2023 and THE FINALS on the 7th of December 2023 are the Devs holding back the game for the initial hype to quieten down?

MW3 and the finals

The full release date is a well-guarded secret, and the Devs at Ubisoft are doing there best to keep it that way, but why? Is there a massive flaw? Are they worried if they release it it will go down the same path as Hyper Scape? Or are they simply waiting until the game is 100% ready to be launched?


I had the pleasure of playing in 2 of the Beta tests and other than a few minor bugs the game was great. There are rumours of yet another playtest for PC and current-gen consoles but no date has been announced yet, Mark Rubin (EP on Xdefiant) tweeted about a weekend-long playtest to test the last few updates they have done, maybe then we will get the full release or at least a date.

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