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What 'THE FINALS' needs to survive!

'THE FINALS' is a free-to-play combat game show set in a virtual arena that you can exploit and destroy to give you a competitive edge.

the finals zipline

Although the game is a fresh look at the world of FPS games it is not without its faults. Audio has been an issue in the game since early beta and although it has improved it's not perfect. There are also some issues with the servers and players getting kicked mid-battle. Cheating has also been a big issue, but recent updates show they are working hard to stop the cheaters. Overall though the game is great and brings something to the table to compete with the likes of Call Of Duty and the much anticipated Xdefiant. If they want 'THE FINALS' to overtake them there are a few things that the players have asked for.

xdefiant call of duty the finals

The 1st thing the 'Devs' need to work on is the challenges. Challenges play a massive part in player retention, and to keep recycling the same daily and weekly challenges is a quick way to lose players. Fresh challenges to keep players are a must! The players want a challenge and a decent reward.

the finals daily challenges

Next up we have weapon skins, animations and attachments. Players love 'grinding' for skins and the possibilities are endless, it's a win-win situation for the 'Devs' they keep players and give them a chance to use some creative flair and show us all what they have to offer. The weapon inspections need a revamp as only a few weapons have individual inspections. They could add some to the weekly challenges? The ability to add attachments to weapons is also being asked about, although I don't think this is a must they could make it so you can add a scope to all weapons at the very least.

the finals akm

Player retention on STEAM has been decreasing over the last 30 days and I only hope the 'Devs' listen to the players and add the things they are asking for.

the finals players on steam

This article comes from a place of love, as a player with 175+ hours on the game I really want this game to succeed and not become another 'SPLITGATE' or 'HYPERSCAPE'.

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