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The Finals or a new beginning?

Could The Finals be the future of FPS gaming? It's a big question to ask but I think the answer might be yes, let me tell you why.

Contestant in front of a yellow wall

Set as a televised virtual combat show where the "contestants" compete to complete objectives, consisting of; opening vaults and transporting them to a "cash-out" location. You have real-time commentary giving you a rundown of everything happening in the game from single kills to team wipes, it even tells you who has the objective.

Trio of contestants in a dark room

LIGHT CLASS. If you're looking for maneuverability and you're the sort of player that likes to dip in and out of the action then the 'light class' is for you. Your starting weapons are the M11 machine pistol (Uzi) and the LH1 semi-automatic battle rifle, but you can purchase other weapons like the XP-54 (MP5) with the in-game currency you earn from eliminations and completing the objectives. Plus you have added manoeuvrability of the grappling hook but be careful as while the 'light class' has the smallest hitbox it also has the lowest health.

The Finals light class

MEDIUM CLASS. If you're a middle-ground player who likes to be close (but not too close) to the action but still able to beam an enemy from 50m then the 'medium class' is the one for you. Your starting weapons are the AKM (AK47) and the R.357 (Revolver) but again you can purchase other weapons like the FCAR (SCAR). You do have some added maneuverability with a deployable jump pad and can heal your teammates with a healing beam.

The Finals medium class

HEAVY CLASS. Now if you're the type of player who likes to sit back and unload a fury worse than hell itself then you need the 'heavy class' You start with the M60 (LMG) or the Lewis Gun (LMG). You have limited maneuverability but a massive stack of health as well as a deployable mesh shield to provide protective cover for your team that you shoot through but your enemies can't. You're also able to purchase a flamethrower or a rapid-fire shotgun.

The Finals heavy class

The Finals also offers a host of customizations including the contestants, weapons and even gadgets. The gameplay is smooth visuals are great, oh yeah and don't forget this is a 'Free to play' game. So if you are looking for a game with a fresh look, great gameplay and amazing customizations then I suggest you look no further than The Finals. While there has been no word of an official release date it has been rumored for full release in late December '23' or early January '24'.

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Trailer HERE

Or their website HERE

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