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Sugar Mess

As you all know my area of expertise is FPS gaming but I have wanted to get involved in VR for a while and 'Sugar Mess' is the perfect game for me to break onto the scene. 'Sugar Mess' is a fun and colourful FPS game that is fun for all the family, yes that's right a shooter that's family-friendly. I do have to warn you tho this game is not easy, you will need to muster every bit of skill and test your hand-eye coordination.

Sugar mess level scene 1

Now to the game itself, 'Sugar Mess' is set in the Sugar Kingdom that's under attack from your enemies that take the shape of cakes (yes cakes) that are all different colours and shapes and they throw candies and snowballs. The cakes shoot and fly towards you and each poses their own threat. Round, pink, and violet cakes & doughnuts fly and shoot (violet also runs on the ground) while the purple cake stays on the ground shooting and popping up on different sides of the screen.

Sugar Mess level scene 2

The classic solo or multiplayer modes are available on the Arena Mode. The primary objective is to defend the Sweet Land diligently, fending off opponents’ attacks.

Each wave of opponents presents a different challenge, getting harder and harder and the more waves you defeat the greater the reward.

Sugar Mess level scene GIF 1

Although I never got to play them, there are some music-based levels and a rollercoaster!

Sugar Mess level scene GIF 2

Overall this game was FANTASTIC and was so much fun but as I said not easy. I got my family to give it a go while we casted it on the TV and we were all laughing so much. If you have the chance to play it you will not be disappointed. From the main menu to the levels a lot of work has gone into building the game and they have produced a very well-polished game You can find the game on Steam, Meta or Pico

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