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GENOTYPE – On Quest 3

Updated: Oct 22, 2023

A journey much deeper than the South pole

GenoType store front image. A woman stands under the title

Genotype has now landed on to the Meta store. This offering some Bolverk Games is a single-player story-based experience. You play as Everly and undertake her journey from an Antarctic weather station intern to the saviour of the world as we know it.

The players hands with one of the organic weapons attached

With the mysterious voice of William, the last human survivor of the facility guiding your journey. You must collect DNA blueprints to use with your newly acquired high-tech GRAID gloves. These gloves allow you to print living organisms, each with unique capabilities. You start with a Spitter. A light ammo-styled ranged attack with a grenade-type alternative fire. And quickly find your second DNA blueprint for a grabber. A short-range attack that grabs and allows you to pull enemies and door-blocking “things” for a short-range melee attack. As you progress through the research base you will find other Blueprints that you can utilise but we won't spoil what they are for you here.

Walking across a bridge in a snowstorm

Visually the game runs very well and looks fantastic. The opening snowstorm actually caught me off guard as I wasn’t expecting it to look as good as it did. Given this was running on the new Quest 3 it was way above some offerings we have had on the PCVR market.

Inside the corridors looked as though they could have been a little repetitive, however, shortly after I realised this was a false sense of security as the game began to wind up and develop the story and suddenly the game begins to look much different.

A collection of resources on a worktop

The audio in the game was also done fantastically well. From the conversation that takes place in the opening of the game to the mysterious voice of William and the multitude of creatures that are in between each sound feels like it was very well thought out. It doesn’t feel like an unintentional accident. No oh well it worked out. Everything feels tight and like it was designed to be the exact way it is in the game.

Players hands shooting fire

In a very brief summary. You should definitely pick up this game if you are considering it. And you should even if you're not! It was a fantastic experience and I look forward to getting to play further into the story and finding out even more about the facility and William. Also, Penguin!

Check out Genotype for yourself on the Meta Store.

Developed and published by - @BolverkGames

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