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Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty

Updated: Oct 22, 2023

Starting from the bottom all over again!

Cyberpunk 2077 store front page for new DLC

Cyberpunk 2077 has now had a HUGE update coming in from the new Phantom Liberty DLC. I played around 50 hours on the game's initial release on Xbox however due to its poor launch and many issues the game was returned and that was the end of my gameplay.

So here we are. A loyal fanbase, many fixes, patches and new DLC. I was assured by those who still played that the game was in full working order now despite the poor launch and that it was one of the best single-player experiences they’ve had.

So, just before Phantom Liberty was released. Steam bundles up Cyberpunk 2077 and the Phantom Liberty DLC together on a great sale. As luck had it, I had just enough left to pick it up and check It out for myself.

Game screenshot of Idris Elba

So, my last gameplay was on Xbox series X on a 1080p TV and was now going to be put up against my 3080TI and my 4k monitor. Let's see what happens he says out loud. I boot up the game and I am instantly floored by the graphics. Bright crisp colours and crystal clear graphics. This instantly looks incredible and has drawn me in from the off.

Character customisation was as fun as I remember. Such a huge variety to choose from and I think my first hour had gone simply to building the new me! Character customised and my starting skill points assigned I pick my back story. A street kid, growing up on the mean streets raised me to be tough!

A game screen shot of my character customisation

Starting off straight to work to speak to a shady-looking character about clearing someone’s debt. A quick job from us to clear the debt, favour for favour. And off we go. Each single cut scene is a work of art. You instantly form attachments for some of the characters with their personalities shining through from the very start of the game. Simply completing the prologue took me a few more hours than it probably should have done with getting lost exploring the streets and taking in some of the views.

I am still working my way through the campaign, starting from the very beginning is going to take me quite a while to get to the new DLC on offer. There is, however, another way. When creating a new character, you can in fact start from the point where Phantom Liberty begins. You will be given a boost to suggest where you should be up to with your character with skills points randomly assigned. I didn’t take this option as I wanted to know the full story and play through it for myself. It was after around 30 hours that I realised how gripping and enjoyable the story was. Each character has their own moments to shine in the world around them and we get to understand who they are.

Game screenshot of a female character Judy Álvarez

The gameplay was incredible. Nothing at all like what I had originally experienced. Getting lost exploring the city was a delight and not a chore. Driving through the city was also an enjoyable experience. Each combat interaction was a joy and felt smooth. From pistols and SMGs to shotguns and blades. The environmental immersion constantly drew me further and further into the gameplay.

A game screen shoot of a meeting with shady characters

Overall super impressed with Cyberpunk 2077. As someone who doesn’t always enjoy a single-player experience often opting for co-op experiences to play with friends, I have had a hard time NOT playing Cyberpunk and I look forward to continuing V’s journey.

On an ending note. The Luke Ross VR mod has been broken by the new DLC and the huge update but he has released a WIP new VR mod on his Patreon so I look forward to also checking out Night City in VR sometime hopefully soon.


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