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Citizen Conflict: The future of Esports.

Citizen Conflict Hero

In 2101, compassion, morality, and ethics were in short supply as a tide of greed and recklessness filled the shoes of human virtues. As humanity plunged headlong into the crises of technological advancement, AI development, and climate change, the values that once defined us were forsaken. In a world plagued by misery and death, there are no winners nor survivors. There are only the old-world remnants shelled in their fragile bodies. In a dystopian future, the real you is not enough…

Choose your syndicate.

KORPO Greedy, corrupt, power-starved - KORPO Syndicate stands as a legacy of old money. The most influential leaders of the old world know no limits in reasserting their position at the pinnacle of Ether Islands. HACKHUNTER Science and tech-obsessed geeks - HACKHUNTER Syndicate strives to explore the limits of innovation. Merging humans with AI and futuristic body modifications holds no terror to these lunatics. MIDNIGHT Arrogant and bloodthirsty, MIDNIGHT Syndicate swarms the group of street rebels who defy the power with outright violence and illicit deeds. Every pub, brothel, or casino has their mark etched on it.

Web 3 gaming

What is Citizen Conflict? Citizen Conflict is a Team-based hero shooter that merges fast-paced gameplay with esports intensity for ultimate competitive action. Citizen Conflict is being developed by QORPO & being built using Web3 (Web3 gaming is a distributed process where games are hosted on the blockchain, making them un-hackable. With no single point of failure, blockchain-based gaming relies on voting consensus to modify the gaming process and is equally accessible to all the players engaged on the network.) Now you know a little about the game let's get into the game itself! For a game that is currently in the Alpha stage the game runs great, actually scrap that, I have played fully released games that don't play as well as Citizen Conflict. The Devs have clearly put a lot of thought into the game with a wide host of weapons, heroes and maps already available. The game already has a 20-tier battle pass with some great rewards. Just check out some of the gameplay below.

Constant updates about the game from the Devs are a welcomed sight in the gaming world and that's exactly what you get from the QORPO team, the latest update from Rastislav Bakala (QORPO CEO) is the news on the 'Battle Royal' mode coming in Q1 2024 (check out some concepts below).

Citizen Conflict Battle royal concept

Overall the game and concept are a win for the gaming world and offer something different to your standard shooter. I can not wait to see what's next.

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